October: on the farm
Discover what it's like to live as a farmer. A huge part of the Indian economy is dependent on agricultural production by farmers, and it is without doubt agriculture that provides the foundation for the economy of the country. How often do we consider the source of support for farmers? In general, the common man has no idea how farmers prepare themselves or land for sowing seeds to cultivate good crops. There are a lot of things to take into account, such as framing, choosing quality seeds, preparing land free of weeds and water, choosing the right fertilizer, and determining when to use it. This is not all. There’s lots more ahead. To keep a check on growth, use pesticides if required, put scarecrows in fields to frighten away birds, and the list goes on. Farmers and their families routinely work very hard on farms. After a long time comes the harvesting, preserving, and packing of crops. Cropping calendars advise farmers on when and how to sow seeds for various crops. They als...